Ann M. I. Mozey, Esq.
Family Law Services
450 Main Street North, #220
Stillwater, MN 55082
(651) 644-1000

Ann M. I. Mozey, Esq.
Family Law Lawyer, since 1997
Transformative Mediation Training
Tubman Volunteer​, 25+ years
Trauma-Informed Advocacy Certificate (Mitchell Hamline)
Because every family situation is unique, crafting the best solution for you requires depth of experience, listening, and compassion. My decades of experience in family law, whether in litigation or mediation, will serve you in creating the best possible resolution for yourself and your family. As a mother of three, I understand the importance in balancing emotions, finances, and support which leads to successful outcomes.
Strengthening Minnesota's Domestic Abuse Act, as of January 31, 2018, Minnesota's Supreme Court reviewed the issue of whether there is a temporal requirement on the term "physical harm, bodily injury, assault," when asking the Court to grant an Order for Protection under Minnesota's Domestic Abuse Act. Thankfully, our Minnesota Supreme Court reversed the long-standing requirement that the abuse had to be within the past six (6) months recognizing that victims of domestic abuse frequently choose to stay longer than they should, hoping that the abuse will not happen again. As a Minnesota attorney, I am proud to serve families seeking safety from harm.
Serving all the metro counties, my practice is located in downtown historic Stillwater, Minnesota.
Recognized for 20 years of volunteer service to Tubman - Family Crisis & Support Services for my "exceptional service and commitment to aid, protect, educate and represent victims of domestic abuse in their search for freedom and safety for themselves and their families."
Licensed in the State of Minnesota
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or call (651) 644-1000